Saune, hammam e novità dal mondo del benessere

Approfondisci la conoscenza di due antichissime tradizioni dedicate al benessere del corpo, dalla Turchia antica agli innevati paesaggi nordeuropei.
The art of layering

One of the latest Japanese beauty trends is called layering. Each “layer” represents a phase that involves a specific treatment for the skin, from cleansing to toning, moisturising, protection and nourishment. The layering technique was discovered and launched by French blogger Elodie-Joy Jaubert, who is passionate about the land of the rising sun. She has […]

9 . 11 . 2022


The French philosopher Voltaire got depressed at the first signs of autumn, the writer Wolfgang Goethe was especially sensitive to the wind. Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, talked about the “sirocco syndrome” and taught his medical students to remember the effect the seasons can have on their patients’ complaints. The main symptoms of meteoropathy, […]

8 . 04 . 2022


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