Saune, hammam e novità dal mondo del benessere

Approfondisci la conoscenza di due antichissime tradizioni dedicate al benessere del corpo, dalla Turchia antica agli innevati paesaggi nordeuropei.
Travel wellness cabins

It was 1845 when the American writer Henry Thoreau, aged 28, left his home town and went to live on the shores of Lake Walden in a hut he built himself and remained there for more than two years. Today his book Walden; or, Life in the Woods continues to be an inspiration for those […]

19 . 06 . 2023

Spa and colour therapy: make this winter a colourful, wellbeing winter!

Even though the calendar says we are still officially in autumn, the bitter cold and the dull grey skies that accompany us could easily make us think that not only was winter here but that it had never gone away! We feel tired, sluggish and at times even down in the dumps. Is it possible […]

22 . 10 . 2016


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