Saune, hammam e novità dal mondo del benessere

Approfondisci la conoscenza di due antichissime tradizioni dedicate al benessere del corpo, dalla Turchia antica agli innevati paesaggi nordeuropei.
Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications

The Turkish bath, also known as Hammam, is a traditional ritual dedicated to the care of the body and mind, dating far back to thecultures of Asia Minor and the Middle East. The steam bath remains synonymous with pleasure and regeneration: an experience of salus per aquam which is increasingly sought-after, in accommodation facilities and […]

30 . 08 . 2023

The benefits of water therapy

Water is welcoming and adapts to any shape. This is the first thing that gives us pleasure when entering a pool. Then there's the temperature. Dermatologists suggest the ideal temperature for water is around 36-37 °C, the same as our body temperature. Any hotter and it could have harmful effects on the circulation, especially if […]

8 . 04 . 2022


The French philosopher Voltaire got depressed at the first signs of autumn, the writer Wolfgang Goethe was especially sensitive to the wind. Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, talked about the “sirocco syndrome” and taught his medical students to remember the effect the seasons can have on their patients’ complaints. The main symptoms of meteoropathy, […]

8 . 04 . 2022


An interview with Dr Maria Letizia D’Errigo, a physician specialising in dermatology, venereology and medical hydrology, National Manager of the ISPLAD (International-Italian Society of Plastic, Regenerative and Oncological Dermatology) thermal spas and beauty farms ( Edited by Luisa Taliento.     What happens to our body when we enter a Hammam, the steam bath in […]

21 . 09 . 2017


The walls, the square tubs, the marble flooring all tell of the ancient history of steam and fragrance, while the sound of water and the soft lighting deliver a feeling of peace. So many hotels, spa towns and health farms the world over now offer the Hammam experience. But there are some in which that […]

8 . 09 . 2017

The sauna and the Turkish bath, the secret of a perfect skin.

The arrival of the cold winter months signals the loss of the positive effects of the summer weather which gives us a much sexier, well-toned, golden skin. At this time of year our skin is definitely not at its best. As well as returning to its pallid winter colour, our skin often looks lifeless, chapped, […]

13 . 11 . 2016

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