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Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications

di Effe Perfect Wellness

30 . 08 . 2023
1 Hammam o bagno turco - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Hammam or steam bath

The Turkish bath, also known as Hammam, is a traditional ritual dedicated to the care of the body and mind, dating far back to thecultures of Asia Minor and the Middle East.
The steam bath remains synonymous with pleasure and regeneration: an experience of salus per aquam which is increasingly sought-after, in accommodation facilities and at home.

2 Ciotola tradizionale - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness


The Hammam is a hot steam bath which regenerates and purifies the body. The ritual requires staying in a space with a humidity of up to 100% and a relatively low temperature, approximately 48°C. The quality of the experience and benefits for the body depend on the right balance between these values. This explains why Effe has focused its experience on developing steam dispensers of unrivalled efficiency. The name “Turkish bath” may appear to be far-fetched as the origin of this ritual is not strictly connected with Turkey. The term “Turkish” comes from the fact that this tradition spread throughout medieval Europe by the contacts with the Ottoman Empires, which had a strong tradition of public baths. Furthermore, during the medieval period, the Ottoman Turks introduced and promoted the ritual of public baths in many European countries.
However, the origins of the Hammam, or steam bath, date to more remote times and are closely related to the ancient Roman tradition of baths. This culture of hygiene was subsequently adopted and developed by the Byzantines and later by the Muslims following the conquest of Constantinople in the 15th century.

3 Natural Hammam - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Natural Hammam


The sauna and the Turkish bath are both types of hot baths but differ significantly as regards the environment and the type of heat used.

In a sauna the environment is usually dry and hot, with temperatures of up to 100°C. The heat is generated by a heater which heats the volcanic stones, and the humidity is relatively low (20-30%). The sauna is usually made from wood, as the environment is particularly dry. The high-quality wood heats and frees delightful natural fragrances. Users sit on wooden benches or beds and can pour water over the hot stones to momentarily increase the humidity and generate steam.

This process is known as "Löyly" in Finnish. The sauna sessions usually last 10 minutes and are spaced out by cooling down or cold showers.

In the Turkish bath the environment is very humid (100% humidity), with relatively low temperatures, from 40°C to 48°C. In modern Hammams the air is enriched by steam through special appliances called steam generators. Thanks to technologies developed internally, Effe steam generators succeed in guaranteeing a high quality of steam: very dense, purified, almost completely free of limescale, and uniformly distributed over time. The materials used for Turkish baths must be able to resist the continuous change in humidity and the effect of water, so there is no use of wood but purposely designed stones for contact with the skin or more contemporary materials, such as Slimtech or Grès porcelain tiles.

Both the sauna and the Turkish bath generally offer benefits for relaxation and wellness, but the key difference lies in the humidity of the air and in the method of heat used. Some people prefer the sauna for the dry heat and the higher temperature, while others appreciate the humid environment and steam of the Turkish bath. The choice will depend on personal preference and individual needs.

4 Sauna Arte Surfside NY - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Arte Surfside, NY
4 Hammam Ritz Carlton NoMad NY - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Hammam - Ritz-Carlton NoMad, NYT


The oldest Hammams comprise several rooms, each with a different temperature and levels of humidity. The sequence usually includes a hot room, followed by a steam bath, and finally immersion in cold or warm water. There are also several common rooms for socialising and conversation.

A modern Hamam can also be built in a house, in one’s shower, or in a space specifically designed for it, and for the number of people who want to use it. The quantity and quality of the steam of the room used as a Turkish bath is regulated by highly sophisticated technological appliances called steam generators. These are special boilers which receive flowing water, purify it, remove limescale, and transform it into hot steam which is introduced into the Hammam through steam dispensers.

Steam dispensers also have important functions: they regulate the entry speed, the way in which steam circulates in the cabin without layering, check temperature and density.

There are two types of steam generators: external and internal. The external generators are not visible from inside the Hammam and can be very powerful, for particularly large spaces. Internal generators are more compact and directly accessible from the Hammam compartment.

5 Internal Steam Generator - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Internal Steam Generator
5 External Steam Generator - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
External Steam Generator


The Turkish bath, water-therapy treatment in the form of hot steam, has incredible benefits on the general psycho-physical condition of those preparing to fully enjoy its pleasing effects. Stress and the negative consequences which come from this physiological reaction find an effective remedy in the satisfaction and general relaxation that steam brings to body and mind. The Turkish bath is an excellent antidote against tension, alleviating all kinds of stress.

However, the wellness that comes from the steam bath is not limited to the mind. Numerous people have benefitted from the physical advantages of a Hammam.

The effect of temperature and steam stimulates the pores of the skin to open, leading to perspiration. It is a natural and healthy effect because it favours deep cleansing of the epidermis through the elimination of toxins and impurities. Cellular renewal is joined by a positive effect in the reduction of skin problems, such as acne and dermatitis.

The properties of a Turkish bath also benefit those suffering from localised pain: a deep cleanse of the epidermis through the elimination of toxins and impurities. Cellular renewal is joined by a positive effect in the reduction of skin problems, such as acne, and improved circulation results in improved oxygen supply to damaged areas leading to a direct reduction in pain, for faster healing.

6 Steam Bath - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Steam Bath


The cost of a domestic Turkish bath can vary significantly depending on different factors, such as size, the type of materials used, the level of customisation and consumption. The standard dimensions of a Turkish bath can vary from a small cabin to a large room to cater for more people. In general, the cost of installing a domestic Turkish bath can start from a few thousand euros and increase depending on the customisation options and size.

Some of the factors that affect the cost include:

  • Materials:
    the quality and type of materials used to construct the walls, seats, claddings, and accessories. Latest generation Slimtech or special surfaces can be more expensive but also provide greater durability over time, as well as include treatments for hygiene of the surfaces which prevent the proliferation of mould and bacteria.
  • Dimensions:
    a large Turkish bath will require more materials, more powerful steam generators and greater consumption, increasing the overall cost. Always ensure that the steam generation device has technologies able to limit consumption and maintenance work in the medium and long term.
  • Professional work:
    the installation of a Turkish bath usually requires the involvement of qualified professionals such as plumbers and bricklayers, whose cost should always be considered for a long-lasting Hammam without the need for constant maintenance work.
    The installation of a Turkish bath requires correct ventilation and attentive design to guarantee safety and function, therefore a high standard of professional work guarantees safety and function.
  • Accessories:
    lamps, essence diffusers, internal and external control panels, appliances for listening to music, Wi-Fi amplifiers or other accessories could affect the overall costs.
7 Mid steam shower - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
H - steam shower


It is not necessary to have a specific room to create a Hammam, as a home shower can also host a steam generator, transforming itself into a small space dedicated to relaxation. A shower cubicle has many of the characteristics required by a Hammam. The shower is already built with materials suitable for contact with water and steam, includes water connections, has a drain to the ground and it is often a closed cabin, insulated from the rest of the room. Only a few elements are missing to be able to host the steam dispensing device in the shower. 

Here are the steps to follow to transform the shower into a Hammam.



Any suitable insulated compartment can be transformed into a Hammam, by simply following instructions on how to set up the systems, walls, and doors. It is very important to define the cubic metres required to host the Hammam because there are different steam generators which vary depending on the power.



Steam generators can be positioned inside or outside the Hammam compartment. Choose according to the cubic metres available, or also based on your aesthetic preferences.

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Most showers are already set up to be insulated from the rest of the bathroom, to ensure that water and humidity are not dispersed. To fully enjoy the Hammam benefits, Effe provides a practical thermal insulation kit so that the heat is kept as much as possible inside the cabin.

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Per avere una perfetta tenuta del vapore ma anche una corretta areazione del vano, è preferibile avere

For perfect steam retention but also a correct ventilation of the compartment, it is preferable to have a specific door for the Hammam. Effe proposes a series of professional models, easy to match to the style of each furnishing, built from the highest quality materials: stainless steel and 8-mm tempered glass.

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For useful advice on how to transform a shower (of the home or suite) into a perfect Hammam, go to the dedicated section of the Effe website:

8 Aquasteam steam generator - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Aquasteam - steam generator


The use of the Turkish bath can be beneficial for many people, but there are some contraindications, and it is necessary to take precautions. Before using a Hammam, domestic or in public spas, it is always better to consult a healthcare professional, especially if there are pre-existing medical conditions.
Here are some of the key contraindications to using the Turkish bath:

  • Heart problems:
    people with heart problems, such as heart failure or very high pressure, should consult their doctor before using the Hammam.
  • Pregnancy:
    pregnant women should always consult their doctor before submitting their body to sharp changes in temperature/humidity, such as those of a Turkish bath..
  • Sensitivity to heat:
    individuals who have a low tolerance to heat or tend to faint or feel weak in hot environments should avoid the Hammam.

It is essential to listen to your body and consult your doctor before using the Turkish bath if you have any doubt about your medical condition. Furthermore, it is very important to limit the time you spend in the Hammam and take frequent breaks to cool down and hydrate properly.

9 Steam shower - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
Steam shower


Cleaning the Turkish bath is a very simple process, like cleaning a regular shower. If steam is suitably descaled by professional generators, it is free of limescale, and residues do not affect the interior of the cabin.

Periodic maintenance of the Hammam is important to guarantee hygiene, duration, and correct operation. As the Hammam is a humid and hot environment it requires special attention to prevent the formation of mould, bacteria, or accumulation of dirt.

Below are some of the general guidelines for the maintenance and cleaning of a Hammam:

  • Daily cleaning:

After each session in the Hammam, it is important to clean the spaces used, such as the heated stones and the seat surfaces, from any traces of sweat or dirt. Remove the towels and the accessories used and wash them regularly.

  • Cleaning the surfaces:

Clean the walls, floors and surfaces regularly with appropriate products for bathrooms, avoiding the use of aggressive chemical substances which could damage the materials. Keep the joints between the tiles clean and sealed to prevent the formation of mould.

  • Steam hygiene:

Se il tuo Hammam è dotato di un generatore di vapore, vanno seguite le istruzioni del produttore per la corrIf your Hammam is fitted with a steam generator, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for correct maintenance. Never use direct jets of water on the appliance.

  • Regular inspections:

Carry out periodic inspections to identify any signs of wear and tear, damage or problems caused by humidity. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific maintenance of the Hammam. You should also consider the possibility of arranging periodic professional assistance to prevent any problems and enjoy your Hammam for longer, maintaining its efficiency and hygiene.

10 One H hammam - Turkish bath (Hammam): what is it, how to take it, benefits and contraindications - Effe Perfect Wellness
One H - hammam
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