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The benefits of exercising outdoors

di Luisa Taliento

22 . 03 . 2022

Running, cycling, swimming, tennis, keep-fit. All outdoors. It’s nearly that time of year when we can start getting out and exercising on the beach, in the mountains or even in our local park, to increase the benefits of sport. We can consider it a kind of “medicine” which not only helps release endorphins, the famous “happiness hormones”, but also strengthens our immune system. Many studies have been conducted into the benefits of exercising outdoors and one of them, published in Sports Medicine by psychologists, experts in outdoor holidays and sports medicine, shows that people who exercise regularly have a stronger immune system and are more likely to respond positively to a pathogen attack, such as a virus. When we exercise, our white blood cell count increases and then stops immediately after we stop. In the long term, this leads to a more efficient immune system.

image4 - The benefits of exercising outdoors - Effe Perfect Wellness
Credits: Consorzio Turistico Valle Maira


The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity for adults aged 18 to 64 throughout the week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity (or an equivalent combination of the two). Even better if you can manage 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity. Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities involving all the major muscle groups two days a week, while a bout of aerobic activity of at least ten minutes is recommended for cardiorespiratory health. Brisk walking, for example, is a good aerobic activity and the same goes for cycling. You can put small barbells, ankle weights and a mat in your backpack for some outdoor keep-fit or enrol in a yoga or tai chi class, which are held more and more outdoors. The important thing to remember is to drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout and eat a Mediterranean diet with lots of seasonal fruit and vegetables, so you get the vitamins you need to exercise properly.

image2 - The benefits of exercising outdoors - Effe Perfect Wellness
Credits: Cortina Marketing
image3 - The benefits of exercising outdoors - Effe Perfect Wellness
Credits: Consorzio Turistico Valle Maira


Un ottimo rito per concludere l’allenamento è quello di dedicarsi un bagno turco o una sauna. È il modo A great way to finish off your workout is to have a Turkish bath or sauna. There’s no better way of getting rid of toxins and lactic acid by sweating, improving your peripheral blood circulation and relaxing your muscles and joints. And it also helps strengthen the immune system, just like exercise. Our body responds to the “controlled increase” in heat by raising its internal temperature, a bit like an artificial fever. This produces antibodies and white blood cells which boost our immune system. It is important to respect timings and rules. Always wait at least 15 minutes after exercising before you enter and take a cold shower beforehand to make sure your skin is clean. Alternate the heat of the sauna or Hammam with a cold shower to lower your body temperature and then rest for a couple of minutes. While resting, it is very important to drink a lot of water or herbal tea to replenish lost liquids.

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